Aprenda a cortar cabelo masculino em apenas 4 semanas.
Através de uma metodologia muito simples e didática, focada em aulas 100% práticas você irá aprender:
Cortes com máquina, fade e skin fade (o famoso degradê), técnicas de tesoura, textura, divisão de mechas, ergonomia, penteado, finalização, escolha correta do produto, consulta com o cliente, como promover o seu trabalho nas redes sociais, como se diferenciar em um mercado tão competitivo, muitas dicas de como ser um barbeiro de sucesso e muito mais.
Learn how to cut men’s hair in only 4 weeks.
With a simple but very effective exclusive methodology focused on 100% hands-on classes, you will learn:
Clipper’s haircuts, fades and skin fades, shears techniques, texture, hair sectioning, ergonomics, blow-dry and styling, correct product selection, client consultation, how to promote your work on social media, how to differentiate yourself, valuable tips, and much more.
You will also learn tools ergonomics, shears techniques, hair sectioning, correct produt selection, client consultation and much more.
Learn Advanced & Modern Shears Techniques, Texture, and how to create Geometric Shapes.
You will learn advanced shears techniques, used at the best barber academies around the globe. After attending this workshop you will feel confident performing any type of haircut. You will also learn how to adapt a haircut in accordance with the customer’s face, diagrams, hair sectioning, graduation (building weight), layers (removing weight), over direction, advanced blow-dry and styling techniques and much more.